Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon Wrap-Up

As occasionally happens, things came up and I didn't have nearly as much time as I would have liked to properly participate in this readathon.. I was, at least, able to begin Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger and fall in love with it, and cheer on a few people. 

I'd like to sincerely apologize for being a terrible cheerleader. I know how important and appreciated it is to cheer on other participants, and I thank everyone who stopped by my blog with kind words. I just wish I had been able to do the same to more of you.

Alright guys, that's about all I have. I can't wait for the next readathon, and I hope to see all of you and more! 

I'm also an awful blogger, and forgot to mention in my previous post that this readathon was hosted by the lovely humans at Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon. If you wanna participate in the next readathon, this is the place to go for all the information you need!

Until next time,

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon

Hey guys! I meant to make this post days ago, but work and midterms week got in the way. I then meant to write something up yesterday since I'm home for the weekend, but I spent the day out with my dad, and by the end I just wanted to sleep. So I apologize. But better late than never, right?

Anyway, I am participating, even if it's just for a bit! Here's a tentative TBR (I'm definitely not going to get through all of these- I just like having options):

The Secret History by Donna Tart

Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger

Property Of by Alice Hoffman

Hopefully I can manage to get through at least one of these! Good luck to everyone participating and happy reading!

Until next time,

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Changes are coming!

Hey guys! First, let me apologize for being MIA- I've been swamped with work, homework, and band, and really haven't had any time at all for blogging or even reading. I plan on changing that though!

So, just to let you know, I'm planning on getting more organized with this blog and with my reading. Also, I plan on getting more involved in the blogosphere. You guys are seriously the greatest, and the fact that I'm awful at commenting and showing my love for your blogs is inexcusable- although, let me just say that I read and love nearly every post of every blog I follow! You guys are seriously awesome!

Anyway, my first step in making this blog more enjoyable not only for you guys, but for myself as well, is going to be a minor face-lift. I don't know how, I don't know when, but I want to make my blog more presentable and fun-looking.

The second step will be to get on a schedule of some sort. I want to participate in memes and have at least one review up a week, so look out for those!

My third step will be integrating some new features into my reviews in an attempt to make them more interesting and easier to understand what I thought about a particular book without you having to read my rambling post (it's okay guys, I know I tend to not make much sense in my reviews).

My final step will be to get more involved with your blogs. Seriously, I can't claim to be part of this community without making some attempt at sharing and talking with you guys. You're all so sweet, and it's the least I can do in thanks for you stopping by my blog.

So this is the game plan. I'm telling you all because I want you to hold me to this! Don't let me flake! If you notice I'm not posting as much or missing weekly memes, don't be afraid to call me out! I promise I won't be mad. :)

Until next time,

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October Creep-Fest

Hey guys! In case you've just woken up from a month-long hibernation, it's FINALLY October! There are a couple of reasons why October is my favorite month- First, it's my birthday month! Whoot! Second, Halloween!!

Two awesome holidays in one month? (Wait, what do you mean my birthday isn't a nationally celebrated holiday????)

Seriously though, Halloween is a great holiday, and the perfect time of the year to knock some creepy reads off our TBRs. So, in celebration of the season, I'll be trying to read at least two creepy reads this month:

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

I'll also be participating in a read-a-long hosted by Jackie's Bookbytes and reading Salem's Lot by Stephen King. You guys should all go check out her blog and join in, even if you don't have the book (Jackie has links to a free version of the book online, either as actual book or audiobook!)

What do you all have planned for this October?

Until next time,